WashXL-applications terms and conditions
1. General
WashXL-application is a mobile app for purchasing car wash services digitally. App is owned by Euro Car Wash Oy (Finnish business ID 0894284-4), with address Kynttilätie 17, 11710 Riihimäki, phone number +358103263090). These terms and conditions are applied when you use WashXL – app.
2. Contract and parties
In this app there are three parties; Euro Car Wash Oy Ltd (later ECW), Merchant who acts service provider for car washes and Customer who buys the service.
Contract is formed, when Customer installs the app in and begins to use the app by registering as Customer in the app. By registering the app in use Customer accepts these terms and conditions. ECW by providing the WashXL app acts as Data Processor and Customer and Merchant as Data Controller as defined by EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
3. Start of application usage
When Customer takes the app in use, Customer becomes app user. App is taken into use by registering and in order to use the app Customer requires mobile device, email address or identity like Facebook login and credit card (VISA, Mastercard, Eurocard or similar) information. By accepting this agreement, Customer gives ECW a right to check their credit status during each payment transaction. ECW has rights to prevent Customer to use the app, if Customer’s credit check is not successful.
When customer registers as app user, Customer logins to app by using Facebook profile or email address.
4. Credit card charges
Payments are charged from Customer (card holder) according to agreement between Customer and Customer’s credit card provider (Visa, Mastercard, Eurocard).
When Customer uses WashXL app and pays using the app for car wash event is the payment price in the local currency of the customer (€, SEK, NOK) including the value added tax, VAT from given country. Wash event payment transactions are processed by Nets or Payment Highway Oy. ECW does not store any information about credit cards and that registry for credit cards is stored by Nets or Payment Highway.
5. Customers right to cancel credit card subscription
After Customer has chosen wash program and made payment, payment cannot be cancelled. ECW only acts as payment transaction intermediary so Customer must agree any returning payment claims with Merchant.
6. Contract duration and termination
Customer can terminate this contract by using the termination functionality provided in the application.
7. Reclamations
Any reclamations about the payment transaction should be sent to email easywash@ecw.fi. Reclamations regarding car wash service must be made directly to Merchant. ECW is not responsible in any way of car wash service quality or any damages caused by car wash service to Customer or Customer’s vehicle.
ECW is not responsible of Merchant’s services or products in any way.
8. Dispute resolution and applicable law
This contract is governed by Finnish law. Any possibly disputes should be resolved with negotiation but should that fail disputes are resolved in Helsinki District Court.
9. Gathering of personal information, privacy protection and data security
When customer is registering to WashXL app ECW stores information provided by customer, the information contains following details of Customer:
-Firstname and Lastname
-Email address
-Customer number
-Credit card details (Payment Highway stores)
-License plate numbers of registered cars
-Wash event details of washes purchased and consumed by Customer
Customer gives his approval by accepting this contract with its terms and conditions, so that Customer’s information can be used to develop this product further and for advertisements for Customer. Customer has right to cancel his contract by anytime using termination functionality within the app.
Customer can see all information stored by him in WashXL app under his washing events, cars and profile information and has also right to get upon request information about any information stored of him or helself by sending email to address easywash-register@ecw.fi. If the information is not valid customer can modify his details with the app or request them to be removed by terminating the agreement and removing his information from app. Even if Customer’s agreement is terminated washing event data is still stored in the WashXL as it is necessary for accounting purposes for Merchant and for ECW, this information contains license plate details of the car that was washed and details of the wash, date time and wash type and location.
ECW respects Customer’s privacy and is acting under laws and regulations such as GDPR.
WashXL – app can use Customer’s information and can contain links to our partners who can use this information. ECW is responsible of its own security policies, but is not responsible of security policies of its partners and Merchant’s. WashXL app Customer’s personal information can be governed by Customer’s administrator, Merchant, ECW or ECW partner. In addition if Customer administrator or Merchant has passed the rights to manage data to 3 rd party then also that 3 rd party can manage the data. ECW only creates named users into their system thus ECW requires our Merchants and partners to follow best practices on data security. In this way it can be known who has rights to access Customer’s data.
WashXL app uses Customer’s details when customer registers as use, uses WashXL app while buying car wash from Merchant or while sending push-notifications to Customer for example but limited to in advertising services that Merchant can offer for Customer or special prices and other deals. WashXL app also uses cookies to track Customer in the app in order to improve services ECW provides to Customer.
If you want us to remove all data or in other words want to be forgotten, contact us on email below or call us.
Data registrar is:
Euro Car Wash Oy Ltd
Kynttilätie 17
11710 Riihimäki
phone: +35810 326 3090
Finnish business ID: 0894284-4
Register matters are handled by:
Chris Linder, Euro Car Wash Oy
email: chris.linder@pineline.com